Podcast Episode #7: How an aneurism helped me

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In this episode of “Horse mysteries solved…”

Have you ever had something happen to you and you wonder why? “Why me?” “Why do I have to deal with this?”

It’s possible no one else is as whiny as me.

But in this podcast episode, I share with you my story of how an aneurism helped me go further with developing TBT than I ever had before.


Summary by AI:
Dr. Renee Tucker shares her journey from being an equine veterinarian to exploring alternative therapies like chiropractic, acupuncture, and energy work. She recounts how she initially doubted these methods but witnessed remarkable results in animals and herself, including healing an aneurysm through energy work. Tucker emphasizes the importance of perseverance in finding solutions for health issues, urging listeners not to give up and to explore various treatment options. She concludes by encouraging people to reach out with questions and promising to continue sharing her insights in future discussions.


Renee Tucker (00:01)
Hello there. My friends Dr. Renee Tucker here to talk to you a little bit about myself today. I thought it might be helpful because I do get several questions throughout my work week. I’ll be working on a horse and people say, So you’re a veterinarian, right?

Renee Tucker (00:19)
I say, yes. So how did you get into this energy stuff anyways? Always a good question. So I thought I’d tell you just a little bit about that journey. Hopefully it could be helpful to you because I know we’re all on our own journeys, and I like to shortcut by hearing other people’s journeys.

Renee Tucker (00:37)
So here you go. I was, as I already mentioned, an equine veterinarian, and I actually had a lot of people, I would say like ten people in a very short span of time. Ask me, hey, what do you think of chiropractic and who do you recommend? And at the time, I thought, well, basically, I didn’t have any framework for that. I’d never been to a chiropractor.

Renee Tucker (01:04)
I didn’t know anyone who’d been to a chiropractor at the time. Chiropractic was actually kind of like a joke profession on TV, so I didn’t think very highly of it. In fact, I had a good client, a friend of mine, I felt and known her for a couple of years. And then one day, out of the blue, she just tells me, oh, yeah, whatever, my horse’s rib goes out. I can totally tell because he turns a lot worse.

Renee Tucker (01:34)
I thought to myself, rib out. And I thought to myself, I thought you were a normal person. I mean, I didn’t say that. And I tried to keep a professional straight face, but I thought, where is this rib going to go if it’s gone out? I think that’s ridiculous.

Renee Tucker (01:55)
And so I tried to say something professional, like, what do you mean by out? Like, you push on and it hurts. And I thought, well, if it hurts, it hurts, what does that have to do without? But I just really didn’t know how to get into that conversation at the time. So long story short enough, people asked me, and at the same time, it seemed like this would be a good idea because I was having trouble with some strange things as a traditional veterinarian.

Renee Tucker (02:25)
And by trouble, there wasn’t anything I could do for horses with backs that are sore. And they’re sure you can do injections, but it didn’t really help per se, just kind of massive for a little while. Same with hock injections. Same as I was running into some Phantom lamenesses where the horse is sort of a little bit off, but a lot of times better when the veterinarian comes out, isn’t that the truth? And then sometimes those Phantom lenses can switch legs, and that’s very perplexing.

Renee Tucker (02:57)
So I was at a point where I was getting a little like, what am I going to do with this? And then all these people will ask me really quickly, and I’m like, okay, this is probably God hitting me on the head with a hammer. So I looked into it and eventually went. And I really didn’t believe in it very strongly. Like I said, I had no experience and no framework.

Renee Tucker (03:20)
But then I started doing chiropractic animals. And guys, they really don’t fake things. It either fixes it or it doesn’t. I had a little black and white. Yeah, I’m totally blanking out the one that chases the sheep.

Renee Tucker (03:39)
You’re just going to love border Collie. Okay, here we go. A little border Collie. She was kind of one of my practice chiropractic things. And she came in because she was lame on one of her Hind legs.

Renee Tucker (03:52)
And she was kind of interesting because, you know how border collies, when they’re herding sheep, they kind of put their heads down, like doing a little bit of down dog and then putting their head and neck is down, but they’re looking up, kind of glaring at the sheep. So it’s a little hard to explain. But she did that all the time. This was her normal stance. Her base of her neck was down, and she looked up at you.

Renee Tucker (04:19)
It was weird. It’s weird to try to picture and try to explain because it was weird. Long story short, I didn’t know what I was doing. I was just practicing. I wasn’t even finished with the chiropractic school yet because it’s several modules, and I think I was halfway through.

Speaker 1 (04:37)
But anyways, I tried it, and the dog was so nice to me, she just stood still, let me do it. Her Atlas was super out of alignment. And that’s what we mean by out, by the way. It’s out of alignment. It’s also called a subluxation, but that word is too long.

Renee Tucker (04:56)
And so people generally say it’s out and we mean out of alignment. So her Atlas was super out of alignment. Her sacroiliac was super stuck. I thought I adjusted it pretty good, but, I mean, she just walked back out, and I’m like, all right, then come to find out later that my veterinary friend, she did the small animal stuff. I did the equine, and she had already done her work up on the dog, couldn’t find the lanes, X rayed, the whole leg.

Renee Tucker (05:25)
There’s nothing wrong with it. But when we brought the dog out to the owner and I’m prepared to tell her, hey, listen, we got the X ray. There’s nothing wrong. She’s like, oh, you fixed the dog. I’m like, what is she talking about?

Renee Tucker (05:39)
Well, apparently the work that I had done had fixed the dog’s lameness. I had never seen the lameness. I just worked on the dog because she was in the back, that’s why. And she said, what did you do to her head? I’m like, oh, what did I do to her head?

Renee Tucker (05:56)
And she talked about how she never really looked up at people, right? And she certainly never jumped on people because she ran right up to her owner and jumped up on her and looked her on the hand. And I just thought that was normal. But it turned out the chiropractic that I did knowing pretty ouchy. Nothing really worked.

Renee Tucker (06:14)
And so that really opened my eyes to the fact that this worked. I mean, yes, honestly, I was going to the school not really getting it. It wasn’t really clicking, but I tried and it did work. So that was awesome. And so I did a lot more horses and got good results with some bending issues, back sorenesses, some of my subtle lamenesses.

Renee Tucker (06:35)
It was great. Super great. So nothing against chiropractic. Okay, this is all about our journeys. So I got veterinarian.

Renee Tucker (06:43)
I’m a little stuck. Add chiropractic work great for a while. Then I find some more cases where I’m stuck again. Luckily enough, people were asking me, hey, do you also do acupuncture? That I got clued into that sooner than normal for me.

Renee Tucker (07:01)
And so I did go to acupuncture. And again, that helped a bunch of cases, but not all of them. And then I got stuck. Now, I don’t quite remember the exact order of things because when time flies by, you just lose track of what happened. When I had just started taking a few classes in energy work, and I hadn’t found very many in animals at that point in time.

Renee Tucker (07:26)
And so I was taking some human stuff. And guys, let me share with you, you might find this interesting that I actually put on a lot of what seemed like water weight. And then I was walking my dog, but I found if I walked faster than elderly grandma speed, my heart went into atrial fibrillation. So instead of Lubdub, it’s really scary and you feel lightheaded. And I had to really slow down and then it would go back into normal.

Renee Tucker (08:05)
And I’m like, this is not right. So long story short, I had a descending aortic aneurysm. The aorta from your heart goes down all the way into your abdomen. It changes names there, but it’s still there in the abdomen as the descending aorta. And it had aneurysm on it, which is really just a pretty enlarged and thinned.

Renee Tucker (08:31)
It could be an artery or a vein, but mine was a vein. And so because that was there, they felt that was what was happening with the heart. So I’m like, well, that’s great. And there was different options. And they were talking a little bit about surgery, and I just thought, that doesn’t make any sense to me.

Renee Tucker (08:49)
The wall is thin and weakened and you want to cut it and stretch the rest of it to put it together. But why is it doing it? And of course, no one knows why. So that bugged me. My point here is that once again, everything I knew because I had done tripod and everything I knew up to that point to try to help this and didn’t work.

Renee Tucker (09:16)
So then as I was doing energy work, this really helped me learn TBT and to learn to develop my technique. Tucker Biokinetic technique, because I remember sitting in the park, actually laying in the park when my kids were playing, and they were like, I have two boys. They’re seven and eight at the time. And I thought, I cannot die. I have children who need me.

Renee Tucker (09:42)
I was a single parent, so I was just laying in the park on a blanket and worked. I know this might sound weird, but I worked energetically on the vein. It’s a long story, but that was part of the TBT technique development. And I fixed that aneurysm you say that’s not possible. I’m going to say I would have thought so, too, but I was laying there, and I did my thing, and I felt this relaxation of my entire advent.

Renee Tucker (10:16)
I didn’t even know it had been tense, honestly. But then it suddenly relaxed. And then I felt my heart just kind of go take a deep breath. It felt kind of bigger. It was strange, very strange.

Renee Tucker (10:30)
But I feel like my entire navicular system was doing anything it possibly could to get pressure off of that vein that included leaking fluid into my tissues because I was majorly waterlogged. So that was awesome. I’m like, this worked. And then I could actually walk the dog without going into atrial fibrillation. Just a small detail in my life.

Renee Tucker (10:59)
Just kidding. That was totally sarcasm. It was amazing. And I was so happy about it. And so I went on to develop the whole technique, the whole school and stuff like that.

Renee Tucker (11:08)
So I’d like to tell you one more story, because I feel like part of our journey is we have trouble. We all have trouble in this world. And then we figure out a solution that can potentially help other people. It’s so cool for that to happen. Okay, let me tell you the story.

Renee Tucker (11:25)
Okay. So I had a student from TBT. She’s a great student. I’m not going to say her name or her patient’s name just because I didn’t ask her if I could have nothing to do with the fact that maybe I can’t remember her name. Don’t be silly.

Renee Tucker (11:43)
Okay, so the point is, my student sent me a picture of a boy that she was going to work on. TBT developed for horses. But it’s really a quantum energy technique. So you can use it on people, horses, dogs, cats, anything you want. Okay.

Renee Tucker (12:04)
She sent me a picture about this boy she was going to work on who had autism. They felt she said, he’s pretty much nonverbal does grunting. And that kind of thing gets really frustrated a lot and angry, they felt, because you can’t communicate. And it’s frustrating. Of course, I looked at the picture and just tried to energetically give her some tips.

Renee Tucker (12:27)
So I wrote them on the email, I energetically looked at the picture. Sorry, that’s not clear. And I felt, first of all, that the boy wasn’t really autistic. I know that’s crazy. And there’s plenty of autism.

Renee Tucker (12:42)
I’m just saying that as I was doing my TBT work and we asked a lot of questions about the body we’re working on. Not like mental telepathy, guys, just energetic asking.

Renee Tucker (12:57)
I felt the boy had an aneurysm in his brain, and that that swollen. I can’t remember if it’s not your vein. Sorry. But that was a swollen blood vessel, and it was pressing on his verbal processing center in his brain. So I told her this and she said, oh, my gosh.

Renee Tucker (13:17)
Okay. So I’m like, well, just be careful. I mean, that was kind of a joke, but she was a little freaked out. It was fun. Yeah, I’m a lot of fun as a teacher, let me tell you.

Renee Tucker (13:30)
Okay, so she worked on this boy, as we referring to, actually was more like 18, but he was kind of referred to as a boy. And I personally had thought, okay, she’s going to fix this aneurysm because she’s awesome. And then the brain will have that extra space where the swelling is gone. And slowly but surely, the brain will develop that verbal processing center so they might see some improvements in a couple of weeks, maybe a couple of months. I really had no idea, guys, she works on this person.

Renee Tucker (14:10)
And she said, the mom texted me. I’m like, oh, no. But she said, no, listen. The boy walked downstairs to his younger brother, who was like ten or something sitting on the couch. And the boy, who has autism and was nonverbal, came down and said, wow, how’s it going?

Renee Tucker (14:30)
And he sat down and started talking with his younger brother, which he never had before, and playing video games with him. And I’m like, what? Seriously? She’s like, yeah, it’s so amazing. So basically we’re both crying on the phone because this is so amazing and awesome, and it just makes it all worthwhile.

Renee Tucker (14:53)
You know, the fact I could barely walk for six months without going into a fibrillation actually is worthwhile because I can teach a whole lot of other people how to help so many others. So it’s so awesome. It’s very exciting. I like to think that TBT can fix anything given enough time. As in, if you have a 35 year old horse with multiple health issues.

Renee Tucker (15:24)
Well, glad we might just actually run out of time because 35 is already getting up there. Okay. But otherwise we can fix so many things. It’s really incredible. So I know that for me, getting out of the traditional medicine box was kind of an ordeal.

Renee Tucker (15:44)
I just had no background with it. And so chiropractic alone was a big eye opener for me. And then I got frustrated and added another thing. And then I had my own health issues. I got totally frustrated and desperate for answers and then I started really doing the energy work and there’s been multiple times I’ve had dislocated shoulders, ankle problems.

Renee Tucker (16:09)
You’re all really lucky I’m sure and have no health problems of your own but I do. And just through desperation figure stuff out and I think that’s a lot of our journeys is figuring out what we want to do next because we’re stuck. So in TBT just in case you’re wondering, I want to estimate 60% to 70% are people who are already horse body workers or their trainers. Failures barefoot trimmers. We have osteopathy and acupuncture, we have veterinarians so they’re already working with horses and they want to help their clients better and then about 30% are horse owners and nobody can help their horse.

Renee Tucker (17:00)
They’ve done it all, they’ve spent all the money, gotten the MRIs done and there’s no answer. So guys, I think we all get to that point where we have to figure out which way do I want to go with my journey and anyway it’s perfectly fine so obviously I like DBT I made it. I think it works great but I just wanted to really emphasize don’t give up. No matter what treatment you try for yourself or your pets or horse there is always an answer. I promise there’s always an answer.

Renee Tucker (17:34)
It’s just trying to find it. So I wish you all good luck and I hope you please send me your questions to support at Tuckerbiokinetic.com and I’ll talk to you guys next time. Bye.

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2 Comments on “Podcast Episode #7: How an aneurism helped me”

  1. ok, I have a lower back problem now. Too many tumbles off horses, so at this point I can’t even bend over to pick up a foot. So what do you think I can do to help solve this? I am having an MRI tomorrow for them to take a really good look. I do have massage, acupuncture, and chiro. So the energy work would be good. Can you point me in the correct direction for the courses to take?
    You know I love your stuff.

    1. Hi Virginia!

      Good to hear from you. I”m sorry to hear about your back. that makes life challenging, to say the least.

      I truly believe that TBT can fix anything, given enough time. TBT courses are here: http://www.tuckerbiokinetic.com

      But maybe you’d like to have a TBT practitioner take a look at you first? Maybe there’s someone close to you. That list is here: http://www.wheredoesmyhorsehurt.com/practitioners

      Otherwise I hope to see you in the courses. :)

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