Get Holistic Help For Your Horse
Hi! I’m Dr. Renee Tucker, equine veterinarian.
I’m the creator of the the Tucker BioKinetic Technique (TBT) and the author of Where Does My Horse Hurt.
You're in the right place to find the answers to your horse's most puzzling problems
Get answers for common problems such as: girthiness, lameness, spooking, suspensory issues and more. (See "Get Answers" Tab)
Find out if your horse’s issues stem from bodywork by learning the Body Checkups™️ in Where Does My Horse Hurt.
If your horse needs bodywork, find a TBT practitioner near you.
If you’d like to learn more about the TBT Technique and becoming a practitioner, check it out here.
Let me know how else I can help you:
Quite simply, my greatest desire is to help you help your horse.
"People laugh when they say their horse didn't come with an owner's manual. But the 50 Horse Secrets comes close to having one!" ~ Carolyn K
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Latest Featured Case
Horse Hoof Abscesses - Everything You Need To Know PLUS How to AVOID them
You've likely had a horse with a hoof abscess. Or at least know someone who has. In today's Horse Mysteries Now podcast, I share a story of a horse who had nine hoof abscesses! We talk about what hoof abscesses are, what to do about them, and ... {drumroll} ...Yes! They can be avoided. They key is correct hoofcare AND correct leg circulation. Lastly, a well-functioning immune system is a plus. Enjoy, and please let... [Read More]