Podcast Episode 13: When is it too late?

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When is it too late?   When should you just give up trying to heal a specific problem?




I vote no!  :)


The body is always trying to heal itself.   AND, it’s always making new cells.   Even new cells of bone and cartilage and liver and even brain!   This is called “cellular turnover.”


The problem comes when something is preventing that natural healing from occurring.


We talk about three causes that block healing on today’s Horse Mysteries Solved podcast, “When is it too late?”


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Summary by AI:
Dr. Renee Tucker, the creator of the Tucker Biokinetic Technique, addresses the question of whether it’s ever too late to heal a horse’s health issues. She emphasizes that as long as there is time, there’s a chance to fix things, highlighting the body’s innate healing system and its constant cell turnover process. Misalignment, diseases affecting organ functions like the liver, and drugs hindering natural healing processes can impede the body’s ability to heal itself. Tucker advises against relying on drugs that may inhibit the body’s natural healing mechanisms and suggests periodic liver cleanses to support overall health. She concludes by encouraging listeners to reach out with any questions and emphasizes the importance of avoiding drugs whenever possible.


Hello, my friends, Dr. Renee Tucker here, creator of the Tucker, biokinetic technique. A question come in and it’s about is it ever too late to heal something? We’re not talking today about when is the right time to put your horse to sleep. We’re talking about just trying to heal a problem in your horse. I know some people out there have been working for years, and it’s just not working. So let’s just talk about that a little bit today. So my feeling is that it’s never too late, given enough time. So as long as there’s still time, there’s still a chance to fix things. Now, why would I say that? That seems kind of ridiculous, right? Maybe way too much optimistic. Well, actually, the body, first of all, is always trying to fix itself. As you know, we have an innate healing system that’s always trying to fix us. It’s always working on it. The immune system is always functioning, it never gives up. So we have that going for us. And the other thing that I don’t think is talked about enough is that the body is always replacing itself. It’s constantly turning over new cells in our body.

So you may be familiar with our red blood cells. We use those up, they get a little old, tired of running around the body, and the body absorbs those and makes more from the spleen. So we’re constantly getting new red blood cells and absorbing the old ones. Those are pretty fast in a slower fashion, but it’s still happening. Our bone is being replaced. We have our little osteoclast cells that run around and they take out old bone cells, and the osteoblast cells come in and make new bone cells. So there’s different times on the internet, I’m trying to find it, but on average it’s about seven years. Every seven years you have completely new set of bone. So that’s interesting. So that is my point, that the body is always healing things, but sometimes things are inhibiting the healing process, and that is when we don’t see the healing that we like to see. What could be holding that up? Well, a couple of things. One is pretty straightforward misalignment. So the person who emailed me this question, and I appreciate any questions, so please email them to support Tucker biokinetic.com. Okay, I was asking about my friend.

I was telling the story of who had the very swollen knee, super swollen, always icing it, always lifting up her foot, putting it on the desk to keep her knee up high for like six months. Finally went to the doctor, turned out it was her hip bone on bone. So the question was, can she still fix this? Now, again, my friend, I knew her gosh before I moved from Washington, so it’s been lots of years and I didn’t know what I know now. I would have encouraged her to not get a hip replacement, at least to try it, because the bone replaces itself every seven years, so that depends on pain. Sometimes you just got to do what you got to do. But anyways, knowing what I know now, sure, that cartilage is always replacing itself, unless, for example, there’s misalignment. So let’s say that your pelvis is misaligned, and then let’s say that the right side is just higher than the left. Okay, so what does that do? That puts more weight on the left side of your body, particularly your left leg. Now, that puts more weight and pressure on your left hip.

Your cartilage in the joint is going to be fine for quite a long time. But you know that extra weight and pressure is not perfectly distributed all along that hip joint. It’s not. More pressure is going to be one specific side of the hip joint where exactly?

It’s going to depend on the individual.

But it’s going to be one little spot, and that cartilage is going to get tired faster perhaps, than the body can replace it. And that’s what happens when we start getting these bone on bone wear spots that get really painful. So if there’s a misalignment, it’s adding extra pressure, and the body cannot keep.

Up with replacing it.

That can happen pretty quickly depending on the amount of pressure that’s there. Or it can happen over a long time if it’s just a little bit off misalignment. Now I have to do my cheap personal promo that if you happen to know, tucker biokinetic technique align every bone in your body anytime you want. TBT works on horses, humans, dogs, cats, lizards, chickens, you name it. Super fun. So you could do that yourself and you don’t have to worry about, what am I getting arthritis or not? Or all that kind of stuff. All right, so the second thing I wanted to mention that can hold up the body’s own ability to heal itself is any kind of disease process. So, for example, if the liver is overloaded and essentially the liver is not functioning right, then things that the liver.

Does will be inhibited.

So what does the liver do? Well, it cleans the blood, and it also makes products for tendons and ligaments and cartilage. So sometimes our body just super happy to rebuild our cartilage, but it’s not getting enough groceries to make the cartilage, and that’s coming from the liver being unable to keep up with demand. There’s a lot of toxins and heavy metals and chemicals in our food and our environment. I’m sure you guys are familiar with that. So it’s not a bad idea at all to do a liver cleanse for yourself or your horses once or twice a year just because any herbal one is perfectly fine. It’s just a good idea to help clean that out to keep things going. Let’s see. All right, so any disease process will keep the body from fixing itself. And the last one I was going to mention is any drugs. Your like well duh, you can’t take drugs, right? Yes. No drugs for the horses, please, because they’re processed by the kidneys and liver, and side effects occur everywhere in the body. What I did want to mention is a good example is using children or Oscar. And I know there’s another one out there now with a different name that I can’t remember, and there are other names of them in humans as well.

But the point is, those children, osphas, et cetera, inhibit bone resorption. So our friendly little osteoclass who would like to come in and repair myco damage are inhibited. So now the body can’t do its normal turnover of bone. Remember, we talked about an average turnover of bone for the whole body is about seven years. So you’re like, well, I got plenty of time. Well, you do, but really, we don’t want to have any drugs that are messing with horses ability to fix themselves. And those drugs are one of them that does that. Now, I understand if you’re between a rock and a hard spot and you just got to try something that’s cool, there’s plenty of people who are like, I need to try this, or I have to put my horse down. I mean, that’s crazy. I mean, crazy in a difficult place to be awful. So in that case, if that’s all you got, then that’s what you got. All right, we are going to do our very best that we can, knowing what we know at the time, and that’s perfect. But if you can, we want to avoid drugs in general, not just the abandonment, the but I’m sure you guys.

Know about that, but any kind of drugs.

Like, I was just watching some ad about let’s grow our eyelashes longer, some drug for human eyelashes to be longer. And then, yes, of course, it ends with the entire paragraph of all the terrible possible side effects that they say at super speed. So you can’t really hear them. Yes. If we change our body’s ability to heal itself, it’s going to mess stuff up. So that’s about it for today. Please do let me know if you.

Have any questions, and I’ll talk to.

You guys next time. Bye.

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2 Comments on “Podcast Episode 13: When is it too late?”

  1. Hi Dr Tucker l have a mare who gets frantically itchy and appears to be allergic to bug saliva so I sometimes give her antihistamines. Is there any natural way I could help her and also what kind of liver cleanse do you suggest? Thanks

    1. Hi Diane,

      I’m sorry to hear about your itchy horse. The best way to start would be with a liver cleanse. I recommend Silver Lining herbs, but any brand is fine. It will say either liver cleanse or liver support.

      Other than that, she’d need help via a local natural practitioner, who can give her individual attention. Because not every frantically itchy horse has the same cause(s). Either a TBT practitioner (www.wheredoesmyhorsehurt.com/practitioners), homeopathic, or acupuncture person who also does herbal would be great.

      Best to you,
      Renee Tucker, DVM

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