What is it: FWS is a condition where horses produce normal fecal balls, but simultaneously, free water runs out of the anus, creating a messy and potentially irritating situation. This syndrome is distinct from diarrhea.

What are the symptoms: Generally, horses are not uncomfortable. They poop normally, but have extra fecal water either before, during, or after the fecal balls.

What traditional medicine says: Cause unclear; likely diet or stress.

Dr. Tucker’s thoughts: Hey guess what? This is a relatively new disease. So diet or stress doesn’t make sense, because horse diets and stress levels haven’t changed.

But, guess what is found in some horse feeds? Microplastics

You can internet search microplastics in people (use Brave browser, not google censorship browser). We get microplastics from: fruits, vegetables, makeup, dust, air, infant formula, teabags, beer, salt, tap and bottled water.

Microplastics accumulate in the lower part of horse’s large intestine. Because of this, the horse cannot absorb fecal water as it should.

The horse needs help releasing the affinity the microplastics have to the large intestine. (If they did not have an electromagnetic affinity, the microplastics would poop out.)

Please try TBT FWS Resolve (https://shop.tuckerbiokinetic.com/fws-resolve/) for your horse. This will eliminate the affinity, gently over time. That way your horse can then eliminate the microplastics.

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