What Your Vet Doesn’t Want You To Know

3 Secrets Worth A Fortune To You

At this level you learn something about horse pain few will ever know – and this is vitally important for you to know – you learn that horse pain is the culprit of so many horse issues. Issues you might be dealing with right now like behavior, training, riding, and performance.

Once you realize this so many problems that seem impossible to solve suddenly have a clear-cut solution.

For example, my approach has allowed me to learn things many say can’t be done.
That’s why I call them “master” secrets:

Secret #1: Finding that 99% of Lameness issues and most horse pain can be prevented. All by learning how to do simple body checkups regularly on your horse. These checkups are relaxing for your horse and routinely catch small problems before they turn into life threatening issues (you can find some of these checkups for free on this site)

Secret #2: Realizing that lameness issues in horses are most often due to a hidden source of pain. This is the same thing I tell to my clients, and they routinely save over $747 yearly on lameness exams that might not even solve their horse’s lameness. Not to mention all the money for medicine and time spent on stall rest.

Secret #3: Eliminating horse training problems and increasing their performance is sometimes not even a matter of bad behavior or a need for more training. Sometimes It’s actually a desperate cry from your horse to fix the pain they are constantly coping with.

I can here you saying now, “Renee if what you say is true, that chiropractic isn’t quackery, and it has so many benefits and can solve so many problems, then why don’t all vets practice it?”

Well, that’s a good question, and I’m going to let you in on a little secret…

What Your Vet Does Not Want You To Know  

“I actually signed up only for the saddle fit portion. I knew I had problems with that. But the amount of really helpful information
presented was way beyond what I’d expected–you know, you usually only get a nugget or two at a clinic –but this was amazing! Absolutely more than worth it!”~Rose Johnson, Endurance Rider 

All horse owners have to deal with the vet from time to time. Hopefully your vet is good. Others unfortunately have stories of vets not being able to solve their problem and at the same time racking up a big bill to go with it.

Now, as a vet I know insider info about veterinarians that most people don’t.

But before I let you in on this one thing you have to promise to hear me out or not take what I’m about to say the wrong way. Because I’m about to say the wrong way. Because I’m not trying to offend any vet at all, or give them a bad name, or make it seem like they are not doing their job. Like I said I’m a vet myself.

But I promised to tell you the truth, to tell it to you straight, and I’m not about to break that promise now.

The one thing your vet does not want you to know is this:

Veterinarians are rushed and hardly have enough time to treat your horse. Let alone spending the hours sometimes necessary to understand just what is causing your horses pain.

Now, I am absolutely not trying to say that your vet does a shoddy job and neglects caring for your horse.

The fact of the matter is we are all pressed for time and could use more hours in the day.

However, when it comes to veterinarian care, your vet is expected to attend to all the other animals and emergencies. He or she is on the clock and is naturally restricted in the amount of time able to give to your horse.

What This Means If Your Horse Is Ever In Pain…

The result of vet’s limitations has consequences for you and your horse. You may already know some of them…

  • Multiple trips from the vet.
  • Needing different vets to checkup on your horse.
  • Limited availability
  • Test after test after test.
  • And, a potentially wrong diagnosis

Translation: more time with your horse suffering in pain and a huge vet bill on top of it.

And, after all this, sometimes you are still left without any answers and are uncertain of your horse’s future.

These limitations also explain why most vets don’t use a chiropractic approach – they never learned it in veterinary school, and now they’re too busy in their practice… so when it comes to learning and incorporating it, there just isn’t enough time to do so.

It’s a shame because even a little chiropractic knowledge can end frustration and pain.

I’m reminded of this every time I think of my client, Julie.

Her heart’s desire was to help her horse, Dualin’.Julie had already had two different veterinarians do a full work-up (flexion tests, never blocks, x-rays, and ultrasounds) on her horse with no results. Dualin’ would be head-bobbing lame at the trot for five minutes of warm up and then fine. Almost every day. And he would be lame on either the left or the right front foot. A true mystery. Julie had gone so far as to take her horse to the state veterinary hospital for a bone scan. No results. As far as the bone scan was concerned, Dualin’ was perfect.

And, by the way, they had already injected most of the joints in his body to see if that would help. Still nothing.

Julie’s deepest desire was to help her horse. But with so many “guesses”, and different “opinions”, and having spent so much money already (nearly $10,000), Julie was almost without hope.

See, Julie and her horse Dualin’ had been at the mercy of her veterinarians and trainers, as most horse people are. She did whatever they said to do because they were the experts. Only, it wasn’t helping at all!

So, when I met Julie with Dualin’ (along with her trainer), the very first thing they said to me was, “If you can’t fix him, we’re going to put him down. You are our last resort.”

I felt kind of stressed! Talk about pressure! But after I went through the 27 body checkups (the same checkups I will teach you at the seminar) I was luckily able to see that Dualin’ just had chiropractic issues that were simple to fix. Ribs subluxated on both sides were his primary problem. As soon as the saddle was on his back, he hurt. After he warmed up, he got acclimated to the pain and pressure and stopped showing lameness.

If anyone had been able to check Dualin’ for chiropractic issues, Julie would have saved so much heartache!

Just think, she was almost ready to put her horse down. Plus, the expense that could have been avoided!

“Everything is easy once you know how to do it.”
~Renee Tucker

Don’t Let This Happen To You…

You can learn to check your own horse. Your horse’s health does not need to be entirely dependent on other people.

However well-meaning your horse professionals are, it’s still your horse.

It’s your bond. Your connection.

You know that nobody cares about or knows your partner like you do. Which means when it comes to their health nobody can give the love and attention that you can. In many ways, when it comes to your horse, you know best. You spend time with them and know when something is off, just like he or she does when you come into the barn after a long day and are stressed.

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