Lovely “before and after” treatment result photos, by TBT Master Practitioner Sharon Bridgeman of Australia.
What I’d like to highlight with these photos is the amount of tension in the horse in the ‘before’ photo. You can see tension in every part of his body, though his eye appears peaceful enough.
Many techniques focus on relieving this tension, including massage, reiki, Masterson, myofascial and the like. While relieving tension is good and the horse feels better, it is often temporary. This is because it doesn’t focus on relieving the cause of the tension, only the tension itself.
You may think, “Well, wait a minute. Massage focuses on the cause of muscle tension by releasing the muscle fibers.” True enough. And I’m not saying any of these therapies are bad or a waste of time; they’re helpful to the horse.
But why are the muscle fibers tight in the first place?
I’ll give you a clue….the muscles are usually compensating for something misaligned. Could be skeletal alignment, could be muscle tension because of internal organ discomfort, could be a lot of things. But muscles — most often– are in charge of compensating. Muscles are not often a primary problem.
Sharon used TBT to get to the underlying primary causes on this horse. And in one session made changes this big. From: camping under in front and behind (less noticeable, but still there), shortened narrowed neck, shortened back, tucked under hind end that made the entire rear end look angular and smaller than it should be….to the beautiful horse he really is.
You can do this too. We have a Module II seminar coming up in August in the UK (see below).
The TBT mission is to show people what ‘normal’ really is. Few people have ever seen horses true normal. But when it’s ‘normal’, you see beauty.
For more information about about the Tucker BioKinetic Technique (TBT) click here: Tucker BioKinetic Technique
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