Do you think this picture of a horse’s hind legs is correct? That is, is this a normal resting position of the right hind?
Important to know: this is always the position of this horse’s hind leg. The leg moves normally, but at rest he always stands like this. (Also, he is a rescue and is gaining weight nicely)
- If he or she rests the same leg, the problem is typically somewhere in the leg (including hip or sacroiliac).
- If he or she alternates resting a hind leg, the problem is typically in the lumbar or sacrum area.
When everything is aligned, then the horse will immediately start standing correctly:

(His feet are on uneven surfaces in this image. My mistake taking the picture at this moment. But he continued to stand square on all surfaces after TBT treatment.)
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2 Comments on “Is this right? – Hind leg, always resting”
Who does your horse see when saccoriliac and lower lumbar is issued?
If you mean, “what type of professional should you call when there are sacroiliac and/or lower lumbar issues?”…then I recommend a TBT practitioner or certified animal chiropractor to start with.